Tuesday, January 5, 2016


How do u fare when others prove you with hard questions? Do u flinch or balk or divert pressure by change subject? 
There's : a well, do you dig it?
A mountain to climb,do you climb it?
Love in your heart,do you show it?
A chance everyday,do you blow it?
A life full of you,do you live it?
A coin in your pocket,do u give it?
A calling on your life,do you hear it?
A way to change the world,do you see it?
A word to be spoken,will you speak it?
A faith from above,will you keep it? ... glory up in heaven,will you make it?
Door that's opened wide,will you enter,will you cross the finishing line as a winner?
I ask myself these daily...
Happy New Year!

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