Tuesday, October 20, 2015


  1. Kissing your man is not a problem. The problem is how you do it. Stop making Sounds like a car crash. Really it sucks.
  2. Screaming during Sex is romantic and its not a problem. The problem is Shouting words like ; " JESUS, OOH MY GOD, HOLY MARY" You are having Sex, Not a Church Service. And besides I don't know if you are reminding God to Punish you Later or something.
  3. Wearing short skimpy skirts is not a problem, in fact its very Sexy. The problem is wearing your Mini and looking all nice but when you see Guys,you try to Pull it down now forcing it to be long. Don't you see that you are deceiving yourself?.
  4. Loving your man is not a problem. The problem is Changing your Surname on Facebook and putting his surname before your name where as he has not even Introduced you to his mother. Just Chill, I would hate to read your Post Later saying " MEN ARE WICKED AND CHEATS".
  5. Saying all Men are the Same is not a problem. In fact, maybe its true but Who asked you to try them ALL?.
  6. Bleaching your skin is not a problem. The problem is having White Face, Yellow hands, Chocolate Lips, Black Legs. Hey, Are you a rainbow?
  7. Wearing your trousers down like the prisoners of Guantanamo is not a problem. The problem is walking as though you wear carrying a piece of crap in your pants.
  8. Stealing during an examination is not a problem, the problem is telling your kids that you were great at school and yet not able to write a simple hello world program.
  9. Wearing Brazilian hair is not a problem, the problem is the fact that you are being caught stealing one in your neighbor's room.
  10. Liking this is not a problem, the problem is not sharing the fun with your friends.

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